This was really excellent. It reveals a deep and nuanced understanding of WoD lore, layered in subtly so as to never feel like exposition. My favorite part was the manifestation of Teriasa's Anachronistic flaw, the ways she didn't understand the world she'd woken unto and the evidence in her pattern of speech--this was quite accomplished, as a lesser writer would made it feel clunky and laborsome. Yet, she comes through clear and eloquent. I was delighted when I rolled a critical success for Terminal Decree to make my assualter swallow a hot brand. I found the Sabbat Gangrel using Protean to take the form of an insect to be interesting, believable, and original. I enjoyed experiencing the effects of vinculum first-hand, being an unreliable narrator even unto myself. Bravo for referencing obscure loresheets, specific Discipline uses, and detailed mechanics about Generation change in diablerie--all immaculately. Greyscape background panes suited tone. The dice feature seems very accomplished. Battle music which kicked in mid-c2 and c3 was a pleasant surprise. I intend to replay immediately. In case this helps for your usage tracking, my first playthrough was as a diablerist Malkavian turned Bahari. Cheers!