Today I got the house layout done. It's a weird mixture of homey farmhouse and futuristic apartment, and I'm happy with it. I really struggled with map layout with the last RPG Maker game I made, so the fact that this house looks this good right off the bat is a good sign. Also, the laptop in the main character's room acts as a save point of anyone wants to use it.
I also went ahead and whipped up the intro cutscene, which is a dream sequence that 1.) lets the player name the main character, 2.) lays out a bit of her backstory, and 3.) introduces the first choice (which admittedly doesn't go anywhere, it's just there to let plays know that they WILL have choices in this game). I'll probably flesh this out a bit more later. Right now, its very blunt. I need to stretch it out.
I'll work on this section a bit more tomorrow. Need to make it so that players can't walk over the furniture. Maybe add some more flavor text around the room. Again, I'm trying to make each act at least thirty minutes. Give people their money's worth.
Also, this is sad, but I really wish I had a bed like the big one irl. That's a very nice bed.