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I LOVE THIS GAME SOO MUCH!!!! It is rare for VN to allow MC having a strong non-romantic bond with LI, i like playing romance routes but it is so good to have a choice and develop other kinds of commitment. Finally i can hug a character in game or spend whole night with them without it turning in romance. I love Cove personality, and MC personality too! One of my fav VN developer said that MC is the hardest one to create, and it seems true-so many MC are too plain, without anything special in them ( i know, Cove dad would disagree ;p), very uhmmm...basic, if not silly and/or irritiating. But my precious MC (named Veru) is really relatable, not only bc of gender and sexuality and romantic orientation I choose for them, but also in general vibe...and choice options feel so natural! I often experience 'ughh none of these option seems right for me! Who would ever do/say something like that' but not this time! Choices are great! And colours works great, there is nothing more frustrating than choosing something that you think will be consoling or funny etc and discover that full sentence is rude or unvalidating! colours indicators help avoid such mistakes! generally it feels like anything i hate in VN has been solved in this game!!!! i am on step 2 right now but i already know i will play multiple times to see how my choices shape MC and Cove.
Oh, and moms personalities and relationship is great too...and just everything is great? w o w.