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(1 edit) (+1)

This game is so well done! love the style! The animations are also great!

Assuming you blurred the model during the adult scenes because you don't have animations for them yet?

Also, curious why you chose to use arrows instead of WASD?

And one more question. why censor it when you remove her clothes? It's an adult game, and you see the breasts during the adult scenes anyway. It just seems weird.

I'd presume she's covering her breasts out of dignity.

And if it was for a normal game, that makes absolute sense. But this is a porn game, and the main character is clearly not shy based off of her interactions with the other characters. So in the context of the game's primary purpose (porn) it doesn't make sense, at least to me. Again the games awesome, I just don't get the contradiction to its purpose is all.

You're right.


Really glad you like it. And yes, it's pixelated because I don't have animations ready and they are not a main focus for me. The main focus is the mini game that overlays the stage. That's where I'm going to put my efforts by extending it and adding more animations.
Also, she covers her breasts because she is shy. Later I'll introduce the option to corrupt the main character and she will get bolder when naked. People will also start reacting to her being naked during dialogues eventually. 
