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Hello Space_Doggo_Games,

First of all, thank you for your feedback on the game.

For game features which are not functional or which have no real utility such as the character creation system or the map this will be deleted in a future version.

For the other bugs I have them highlighted so that players of the alpha version are not shocked.

Thank you for playing on this alpha version, I try to bring new things and corrections as soon as possible.

Changelog of 0.0.5a

Yeah, no problem FoobarIT. I actually enjoy this game quite alot, despite the fairly simple concept, and I myself want to make a game (but lack the motivation and know-how).
I did not mean to come off as shocked in the last post, it was intended to be that I found the bugs funny and suprising, despite the obvious problem with them, that I leveled up so fast. One thing I did not include in teh last post  was if the "main hero" and "Heros" tab on the right. Will there be different characters, or is that another scrapped feature aswell? Either way, I'll be here to give you critique and feedback :)

Space Doggo Inustries