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(1 edit) (+1)

I really wanted to play this one but couldn't launch the .exe cause I'm not supposed to touch the grussy :c

Jk, this is sooo fun! The 4-character puzzles really got the brain cogs moving :D The game looks great and the sound's great as well. The only thing I'd change would be to either make the characters a bit more easily distinguishable or add a note of what they look like and how they move that's always on screen.

An amazing submission nonetheless, we're going to top 10 babyy!


Also, out of curiosity, did you code it from scratch? The file seems too small to be made in a pre-made engine, but I wanted to make sure.


It's made in Pico-8, a retro 'fantasy console'. I've used it for a few games in the past, mostly for jam games. It's all done in a lua subset and the audio and graphics are done in the console app.