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(1 edit)

yes the test build works fine but 2.1 and 2.2 doesnt work after hitting play in the level selector. But the test build and demo work just fine

I'm using to OnePlus 7t Pro. 

Not that I think there should be a fix right now. (Except I did pay for a non working game) but it's fine as long as I know it's being looked into with plans to fix. I can wait, I just hope it does get fixed. I'd like to know that I will be able to play the full game soon.

I see your point, especially if you are in just for android version.
But PC version is working. And there was no reports of issues with MAC. And also if you want to play android version there is emulator for PC to do that.

Also you have one more point that there in nothing clearly stating this game is still in development. Stating version number below 1.0 and "future plans" aren't at all clear indication of that.

And on note of buying in there is many reports of issues of 0.2.1 build not working on many android devices in comments. Take this as educational experience because this one didn't cost you arm and leg. But taking bit of a time to research in what you buying/investing in may be worth it in a long run.

It's not about my research being bad. If a app is listed for Android and taking money, and isn't working, as part of the community I should be able to criticize is inability to be able to run. and express that I'm disappointed it's not working. It not like I'm saying anything harsh to the developer(s), I'm just trying to ask if it's going to be fixed and if he/she chooses to respond saying yes they are working on it, that's all I want to hear. I also didn't search for this looking for a .exe, I was looking for an .apk because that's the filter I used on the sight, and if this came up it should do what it's advertised to do. And after trying the demo, liking it, paying for full game. And losing out on it because it won't load is purely disappointing. With your argument, it's full game shouldn't be listed if it's not ready, only the demo should be there. And that's it. But I believe it is being worked on so I hope to see the developer(s) come with an update or state a plan for a fix. And once it is I will show my support for development with more money after my purchase exists 

I'm also having this issue, I also have the same phone. I tried the demo though, and it worked fine

I really hope it can get fixed soon. It's sad ar rare quality android experience is just not working. This game fits a perfect nich, but it leaves ALL of it to be desired. The android AO game options suck and this one has a lot of potential.