I love the game however very glitchy and inconsistent, I would notice I would have done the quest many times and it wouldn't register that I even completed them and furthermore if you choose to fight some of characters instead of paying them, it will prevent you from even completing the game because you can't complete their task in order to get more souls which in turn you also need to progress through the game.
Now when fighting with important characters no longer breaks the passage (at least for Ranger and the passage of the 2 map), and in general fighting with important characters no longer leads to a loss of plot.
Also there is an unsolvable problem if you rollback after selecting and etc., this completely breaks the quest (rollback is completely prohibited in the game)
Regarding the lack of souls for purchases and other I solve the issue, perhaps will be given more souls when performing certain tasks. If you have any other problems that require urgent solutions write us in the online chat, there will be an answer as soon as possible!