yeah. I mean I get the positive vibes but this doesn't look right to me.
Not to suppose to tell you how to run the jam but to me it really takes the excitement out of the event if there's not even an expectation of making an fps in seven days. I just busted my arse for seven days and largely sleepless nights for a challenge I'd been looking forward to for literally months. It feels like of sucky to share the limelight with some loveless shovelware.
Maybe consider changing the name next time to make it clearer that is not an fps jam?
There are like 30 jams going at any given time and I chose this one because I'd participated years ago and expected to share feedback with other FPS devs. The real reward is making the project so I'm not disappointed, but I think it's worth sharing the feedback.
Perhaps I'll just run my own fps jam next year haha