As a kid I thought that only videogames could be made by companies, that if it didn't have a huge graphic finish it wasn't going to be pretty, or that only design professionals could make a decent gameplay, or that only alcolic writers with hairy and wrinkled faces were capable of making good stories.
In 2016, when I was 12 years old, mom loaded the internet so I could surf for a few days, and the whole internet was full of Undertale, a game that tries to reach your heart. I saw the trailer and I was quite surprised, on one hand I had thoughts of "how a game that looks so basic can be so popular?" but on the other hand I was delighted, everything had a personality that I had never seen before. That's how I decided to play Undertale, Then...
The magic of the game happened, and Undertale is the best game I've ever played so far. I got into the world of indie games, I admired Toby Fox for how he managed to make the game alone with the help of many collaborations, I became a fanboy of RPG Maker and the games made in that engine, Oneshot and DDLC added to my fanaticism, I started using RPG Maker XP...
Basically, Undertale convinced me that you don't need the means of a company to make a masterpiece, intelligence is more important.