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(7 edits) (-2)

10 hours?
is there like, a secret access area or something? there was the mission to the school, and chasing some girl around the park and that was referred to as a 'date', the ghost girl mission, and that was it..
oh, and you could ride a bike around delivering pizzas or something.. like, an hours worth of content tops. if there was more content, you should make it accessible, cos you dont go from an hours worth of content to "10+" in one update a few months later. doesnt happen, ever. what there was, was interesting, but not 1/4 of an AAA games worth of interesting.
and yes, USD is american dollars, not "normal" dollars, which exchanges to 28 normal dollars, today. a AAA game is usually $80 normal dollars, so that puts your price a closer to 1/3 of a AAA game.
perhaps you have confused "effort" with "value".
i put a whole lot of effort into my employment, but there no way my boss is paying me what i think my efforts are worth.. i just dont add that much value to him


Most players indeed report 10h playtime, if you don't skip all text ofc. And yes there is a lot more content than you mentioned. You must have just played the free demo.

You only listed the demos content. Oh and USD is the currency used for the United States idk what you mean by normal dollar there is no "normal" dollar


i'm not the one claiming there is a "normal dollar". $19USD is/was $27AUD..
so, i was right hey? i did play the version before the $19 version