Make sure you don't have the "Only Watch" button selected, or the player character cannot be involved in slave chosen actions.
There is no option or trait to prevent homosexual actions, and while slaves without Bisexual or Homosexual traits will be significantly less likely to choose targets with the same sex this can be overridden by having more experience together. The AI is stupid and random with little control besides the influence of crude prior action counts.
That said, you are most likely after the Monogamous and Devoted traits. The first will cause slaves to ignore everyone but the player, and the second will cause them to strongly prefer the player. Though note that Monogamous cannot be gained through in-game actions and can be lost if the slave participates in group sex actions(more than 2 people penetrating in a single action).
Otherwise you would need to edit the function "func askslaveforaction(chosen):" in