I really like the looping rooms concept - kinda reminds me of P.T.
The visuals were a little rough... there were times when the camera blur didn't go away even after staying still for a little while, and the lighting was a bit too extreme on some sections (yes, I know, it's a horror game, but there were papers I couldn't really see because they were too bright under the flashlight and too dark without it).
The controls were a little odd... E is interact but you have to use the mouse to rotate objects, and escape is to stop interacting. I feel like that could have been trimmed down a bit. Also, you can't toggle flashlight while interacting.
Not sure I quite got the story... it's was like, all a conspiracy to stop this guy from discovering immortality? Also, I didn't find the third number in the final puzzle lol, I just found 3 & 7 and cycled through all the digits for the last number to unlock the briefcase.
I love the animated cutscene and the way the world changes behind your back, and I love the audio design!