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Likely because there are 26K asset packs on right now. That's a lot. And no, there's no secret. Just make good project pages, pick the right tags and so on.

But more importantly, be active in the community! Talk to other people. Leave comments on their pages. Collect and rate games. They'll notice you, and check your projects too. Otherwise they won't know you exist.

"No Time To Play" Firstly, thank you! Yes I know there are a lot of asset packs. However, I can't find it even though I search by tags for my asset pack. So when I search by tags, the number of assets that come up is not that much and I look at all of them. And yet I can't see it. Can I be sure that my assets are published? I don't understand, is there something I'm doing wrong?

Your asset packs are indexed. Sorry, I should have made that clear. And one of them shows up among the first when I search for "Halloween". The other shows up first when I search for "survival kit". But search results cut off after a while, they don't show everything. And tags are more general, so if other projects rank higher, yours won't show up,

As I understand it this is related to the algorithm. There is nothing I can do for it (other than putting a tag and the relevant package name). Thank you for helping!