I got most of Act 3 done. The biggest issue was getting the Festival of Lights set up. I wasn't happy with any of the tilesets I had, so I added a couple more DLCs to the project. It's still really bizarre, but I'll just have to write around it. Anyway, getting the map set up was the hardest part today.
I also wrote a scene where they play an arcade game (which is also me poking fun at one of my other games). And a scene where they drink coffee. Onyx gets a free mug of oil just for being a robot, that's how he can share a drink with [you]. Tomorrow, I finally add snow to the project! I've had the snowy maps made since the beginning of this project, so I'll finally get to use them, As for any snow-falling animations, I have no idea how to do that but I will figure it out!