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This game has a lot of potential, but I have some concerns to share with you and maybe I can help you to fix some errors in game. First, there are grammatical issues at the beginning of the story, this game's visual novel engine has a ton of bugs (Characters not disappearing after their transcript completes), (Save button sometimes not working), also the drawings that Michael had wrote do not have any credits, at the end of the game, it would be perfect for you to put credits (The original authors of the drawings) at the end of the game instead of putting an Disclaimer button on the GUI. If you want, I can help you with the development of this game, just reply to my comment and if you want I can also remake this game to run off Ren'Py. I really like this game it is just those I wish to fix. Thanks for reading my comment if you received this, and have a Merry Christmas :)

oh thank you for these feedback ^^ <3

about that bugs I know... qwp

I'm already remaking the game since September

all basic functions are done and I just need to put the story

If you want help you could be a beta tester

Just send an email at