I'm enjoying this. It's longer than I expected though. Good job on getting some unique power-ups in the game, the head rocket is a blast to use and the lightning gun looks complicated to implement haha. I really enjoyed the humor enthused throughout the game, the main character's nonchalant attitude came through in all their interactions and the sound effects accompanying the characters all made me smile.
Suggestions or things I noticed:
- While I really like the head rocket, it's not a super familiar movement mechanic so I almost forgot I had it and thought I was stuck at one point because I hadn't really used it since the initial big rocket. Maybe add a few more times that you have to use it just to reinforce that it exists.
- On the disc boss, I got hit a lot of times but was almost at full health when the battle ended. I wasn't really paying attention to my health bar during the battle, but either something was healing me or I wasn't taking the proper amount of damage.
- This game is big and all the rooms look pretty similar, so a map system is probably going to be a necessity if you continue with it.
All in all I'm having a good time. I just got crushed by a bunch of collapsing doors so I'm going to call it a day, but I'll continue in the morning and see if I can't beat it. Thanks for the game!
- oh, as for those doors, I didn't see that I was lifting a very long corridor of them when I was charging the battery and thought it was just a single door, so I just did a half-charge. Maybe show a few more doors on screen all lifting at once to let the player know a gauntlet is coming up.