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(1 edit) (+1)

quite a nice game you got there :) alas, i'm terrible at first person platformers, so i gave up after juuuust about nearly reaching the top and then falling all the way down

what i liked: the map is well-designed, i really like the aesthetics (everything goes together really well) and the not-often-explored time trial fp(not really s) traversal concept. what i didn't like too much: this is purely personal opinion, but imo the movement is a lil bit too impresice. i actually like the whole "speeding up as you run longer" bit, but occasionally it felt just a tad too, uh, "heavy", if that makes sense

all and all, good effort! oh yeah, and the non-violent aspect of it is cool too - violence is often the go-to theme to build a game around, so it's cool to see that people *are* trying to find other things to explore