There are two potential loading screens that have very different potential problems. The loading screen that shows up when the program is starting and the the one shows up when you are loading the mansion to start playing. There is a very rare bug that causes crashing in the first case and can be preemptively fixed with the Bugfix mod V5+, otherwise it requires that the settings.ini file in the Strive appdata be deleted. Currently, I am not aware of anything that would cause a crash in the later loading screen unless you have mods installed, in which case you will need to list them to make this go easier.
Additionally, if you are playing on 64-bit Windows the Debug mod will show error messages instead of crashing. The first errors are the most important but usually there will be quite a few more, which can sometimes be helpful when posted here. The problems still exist but in debug mode the game tries it's best to avoid crashing even if it corrupts the progress data, though as long as you don't save after an error it won't be a problem.