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There are some good design ideas here! The weapon switching was cool, and the ability unlocks all made sense. It was a fairly big adventure, but thanks to the minimap I never got lost, and there were even some puzzles I had to think about to get what I wanted (usually health pick-ups, but I'm also just now realizing I didn't pick up the Lightning Bolt =/). The death sound effect on enemies was immensely enjoyable.

Here's some feedback/suggestions:

- The controls felt a bit sluggish and unresponsive, part of it may have been the character's base move speed being so slow combined with a fairly large hit box, so I never felt like I could truly dodge enemies (the spiders were hit-or-miss, but the flying skulls were night impossible to dodge). 

- The character doesn't get iFrames when hit, so staying in an enemy constantly drains health (which alongside the slow move speed really hurts). This was pretty rough on the final boss.

- The general dungeon layout and flow was cool and made sense, but many of the rooms were either empty or overly large (or both). I'm definitely guilty of this as well though so I can't really complain.

- Final thing, I killed the boss twice, but then got murdered by the flying skulls so I couldn't see if anything happened or not.

All-in-all a good showing, I think if you tightened up the controls and polished up the the room layouts your design ideas would really shine. Good job!

nothing happens on killing the boss, I ran out of time to implement my planned ending scene, same with the castle the plan was that most of the larger rooms would have areas accessible after the super jump.

The core movement and hit mechanics are definitely lacking I know for the next jam to work on that first ;) (as everything else flows from that). It is a bit better when you have at least one dash (the lightning) but still not great, and unless you really know the map (ie wrote the game) you'd never find the first lightning on first attempt.

Thanks really appreciate the feedback, this was definitely a learning jam for me!