It's not stupid! It is our first public version, and we are in a very early stage of development, so, unfortunately, we don't have many things yet! But we are working hard in the next version with more content =D
By the way, we have in this version 3 pics of Bianca (I think you get the first one in the first scene of the game and the picture by the bed, and another one). You can check it at the menu Image in the game. You will see Bianca 1 from 3, Bianca 2 from 3, and so on.
We have 2 pictures of Gina, 2 Pictures of Rita, 2 Pics of Elisa, and 2 pics of Martha. You need to discover how to improve the relationship with them to discover the pictures.
For example... try to talk to Elisa during the day she is in the cemetery... she will give you a quest!
But I will stop putting spoilers here! If you need more tips, try to enter our spoiler channel at discord!
And sorry for just a few contents! We are working hard and hope you, players, can help us develop the game!