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Perfect Eden: This is interesting exploration of a very earthy sounding sound. I particularly like the modulation to the new key and the addition of the choral sounds. I think your bass and slow lilting drum groove are very cohesive.

Scene with Leaves: The chord changes you use that are acting more as non-functional harmony give a very cool ethereal ambient vibe. The bass riffs are also pretty awesome.

Overall: In my opinion, your strengths are in your ability to create a solid rhythm section. The two drum grooves are very interesting and do not feel repetitive. The bass lines you add are very cohesive with the drums. I also like the setting that your instrument choice evokes. I get great Tales of Symphonia vibes from both of these tracks. One suggestion I have moving forward to help create melody lines that can be followed by a listener is to avoid using multiple large leaps in a row. Multiple large jumps in the melody can be disorienting (which is great if that's what you are going for), but can sometimes risk distracting the listener.  You could try the "sing test". If a melody is easily singable, then you can be more reassured that the listener will be able to follow along easier. Thank you for sharing and keep up the good work!

Wow, thanks for all of the detailed feedback! All duly noted, for sure.