You will never "die" after losing a fight and there's never a requirement to reload to progress through a quest. On the contrary, many adventures have a different outcome depending on if you win or lose - you might end up as a prisoner, be thrown into a dumpster, or something else. Losing might sometimes even make a quest more interesting by giving it a twist that puts you down a different storyline. The Kymanto chapters are good examples of this.
That may be but that doesn't address my concerns with the game. My concern is that if you don't want to accept a loss the game makes it incredibly inconvenient to retry events through saves. You can have alternate quest paths for wins and losses and that's great but you should never make a system that forces a player to play the game in the way you think they should, give players agency to play the game how they like without inconveniencing them unneccessarily. In this case, don't make it inconvenient to retry events, don't make it inconvenient to explore an event you're not ready for and then be forced to play it out until you can reload.