I'm so happy to have found this! Great game, it was entertaining all the way to the finale.
It may be a coincidence, but it seems to me that there is a bug with the pathfinding algorithm - on the last level I intuitively closed the passageway for the snake with a moveable cube. and the moment i did this fps dropped to almost zero and graphical artifacts began, fixed it by picking cube back up, so it's not a big deal.
It's so addictive by itself to watch a snake seeking the way to food in 3D, I started the game again and stood in the corner just to see it. Was totally surprised that when snake finally locks himself in, it blinks and disappears, just like in the original game. This doesn't seem to have been fully tested, as there are invisible colliders left of the snake and i wasn't been able to finish that level afterwards, but it was a lot of fun.
Thanks for the game!