Falling down from suspension almost always causes the guard to come in and tighten your remaining ropes. I think it's part of the challenge. Only if you are extremely unlucky they will hoist you up again, most often they just fasten your connection rope. If your escape level is high enough you'll have enough time to get out of suspension at least two times in this challenge as you'll get certain bonuses (critical hits (green flash), one extra second + delayed start per struggling and halved distraction penalty are the most helpful). Use camp to level up at least until you enable criticals (pressing a button fast enough will result in a green flash and at least double the effect). If you want, you can abuse the camp system to level up really fast by setting up a very short and easy challenge with "impossible" difficulty. Use chair or frogtie and set everything to max except for wrists which you set up that you can still easily get free in 3 turns, then set timer to 9. Voila, "impossible" difficulty, very easy to get out in a few seconds and you'll level up on almost every try. A high escape level makes every escape challenge in the game feel like a walk in the park and you can even toy around with guards to make them angry on purpose. Later in the game I was missing an option to ask a guard explicitly to give me a harder challenge, something like "your ropework is an insult to my escape skills, can't you do any better?"