Title track: The build-up and drop makes this feel like an intro to an awesome game! I like how you set up two main ideas with the rhythmic pad as well as the main melody. The 1-2-1-3 melody line is simple but is very effective and ties the whole soundtrack together.
Cold start: The march-like feel that you give this variation of the title theme makes me imagine the main characters trudging through the snow. I think this is a great example of taking a main theme and adapting it to a new situation to help tell your story.
Frostbyte Heart: I love the pun in this title. :) If “digital snowscape” had a prototypical sound, this would be it!
Second Wind: This is a great transition segment. I haven’t seen many others include stingers in their soundtracks so this sets you apart!
Last Struggle: Your adjustment to the main theme making it minor and taking away some of the syncopation helps focus the attention to the conflict at hand and does a great job conveying associated emotions.
Digital Summer: This main theme reprise is excellently reorchestrated to give the sense of achievement and release of tension.
Overall: I think you started with a couple very solid leitmotifs and were able to manipulate them to fit all the different scenarios in your game very effectively! Thank you for sharing and keep up the good work!