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Very well polished game. The graphics, music, and gameplay all come together to form a fantastic experience. Is there like a n end to the game? Like maybe you destroy so much that you get expelled instead of suspended? I also couldn't find any keys so I unfortunately couldn't get the bat. Anyway, I really enjoyed the experience, great way to vent.

77 days of suspension. I'm the principal's favorite student.


Thanks for trying out the game!  There's currently no end to the game RN.  I did get close earlier today to breaking everything and thought that could be a cool goal to beating the game.  I only did about half the map I first planned because I ran out of time so that could be a pretty tough objective at the current skill level with a bigger map.

There's a key that will always drop from one item that's in a bit of a hidden spot if you want a hint... it's located in an item that's near an exterior wall of the building .  There's also a 1% chance you get a key randomly from breaking a locker, tree, or lunch table.  My original plan was to have keys in the same spot but I only got time for one door.  I might do another update to the game and add in some of that stuff.