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The idea was pretty good! Voice-operated controls worked pretty well for me, but I didn't really know what to do with the pirates, since the tutorial said I would just use my words in the day for the people, and then at night turn them against the pirates - which I thought was a very cool concept, and does separate the gameplay into two halves, which immediately sets the player up for the actions required for the game.
A lack of an in-depth tutorial would be fine, if there was some sort of visual representation of what 'mortem' or 'thunder' did, since I tried to use both against the pirates, and seemingly to no effect. I resorted to using 'cloud' to keep them from entering the city for the entire night (and the AI seemed to respond appropriately to that command, the pirates getting shunted away from where I placed 'cloud' which was pretty cool), but no matter what I did 'mortem' didn't even have the pirates reconsider attacking Enuncia.
Some sort of indication such as 'sunray' or 'moonlight', where a light appears on the kingdom would work well for the other spells available (especially since that clues me in that it will only really work within the boundaries of my kingdom and can't be targeted). Also very cool that it depends on whether it's day or night as to if it will actually register or not. Or an indication like wind, which places a whirlwind down where my cursor hovers over (and cloud has an outline appear where the effect will take place).
But, Mortem does not appear to indicate what that spell does no matter where I hover my cursor over - the only effect it seems to have is taking the 5 power it requires and having nothing happen afterwards.

Additionally, an 'escape' or 'end' button might be something to implement. In my mad-testing of 'Mortem' to see what was happening, I ran out of my Benevolence-Diamonds (for I am a merciful god), and could then not interact with the game: since I had no BDs to spend to fulfill my citizens' tasks, and therefore could not get any BDs, and therefore could not spend any BDs to get any BDs... and so the cycle continued - with me waiting for the pirates to overrun my kingdom and tear down my flag so I could try again - since I couldn't exit to the main menu myself. Therefore, a main menu option would be beneficial, or receiving a BD at the start of each day or some other passive BD-gain method to not get soft-locked until a game over arrives at my defeat (or I end the program and boot it up again myself).

Lastly, since I never figured out how to defeat the pirates (though a few more tries await me in that regard), I also don't know what the end screen looks like, or if there is a 'victory' condition instead of a 'survive as long as you can' situation. Since there's just a 'game over' screen for failing - I would suggest adding a few more words on my tragic defeat as Enuncia lies in ruins, beset upon by bandits... like a 'God's voice was heard in Enuncia for (enter points here) days... on the (n+1)th day, there was no one left to hear it' or something to give the kingdom a little more personality, and to evoke some sort of drive to do better for my sheeple and state how many days I went (since if you don't look at the score before it ends, you don't really know?).

All in all, would give a 4/5, since it's pretty impressive and came out as a very focused game that knows what it's looking to be. A bit more of a tutorial or more of a visual indication for some spells, a few goals to reach (potentially a 'victory' condition), an addition to the 'game over' screen, and it has a lot of potential if polished up and undertaken for a larger game than just the prelude of what it could become! I've played a lot of god-simulation games and it definitely has a much more god-like feel than most since I'm commanding thing personally to happen rather than just clicking buttons here and there to have my will become reality. Good job - keep up the great work!