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At the beginning of the story, the ancient and mysterious side of the cat is first told. As a player, I felt that this would be a horror story about cats. But the story quickly returned to the real world. Players are invited to participate in the investigation of a case. I began to wonder what the cat had to do with this case. Subsequently, players began to encounter the first more important option. I tried here twice and found an option that can give players some hints about cats and pave the way for the future plot. Later, when investigating the crime scene, the previous cat's information also made me naturally want to choose to investigate the scratches on the table. The difference between some options is to skip part of the content or go through a different path to the same ending, but there are some options that cause the player to fail to investigate the truth of the matter, that is, the game fails. The options of the game encourage the curiosity of the player, and the player needs to have the spirit of exploration to discover the ultimate secret place. When the plot further develops into a secret place, I feel that the game has changed from realism to a sense of science fiction. The final part of the game is Cthulhu. The plot makes me feel that the plot is fuller. It's like the beginning of a bigger worldview. I think the format and content of the entire game are very suitable. The game puts a large number of dialogues on one page, and a paragraph appears every time you click, so that players can better understand the content of the entire dialogue. When the player needs to make a choice, most of the time, the game has designed a separate page to emphasize this content. Dialogues in different scenarios will appear on different pages, and the pictures on the pages are also very suitable. Just like the pictures in the room and the pictures of the physical evidence make the players feel more immersed in the game. The game establishes a feeling centered on cats and fear, and every click of the player is like exploring. The game also simulates the cost of exploring the unknown. Once the player fails, it will return to the beginning. After entering the mysterious scene, players need to choose more carefully. I think it is very interesting to not add pictures to the final scene, which allows players to imagine the scene in their minds. After all, the horror imagined by the mind is even more terrifying. This way the game brings a better sense of horror than pictures.