This is, well, it's Metroid-style, hence the name! Basic mechanics are sensible and easy to get a handle on (although I always take a while to get used to jump being a key rather than the up button), and I was soon bouncing all over the map shooting things. Those little gun turrets that don't wake up (and are invulnerable) are really irritating because every time I jump to wake them up they fling a bullet directly into me, but that's not the game's fault, that's me being rubbish :) I have a bit of a complaint in that I didn't really have a good sense of how well I was doing; the "readout" section at the bottom of the screen is rather abstract, so I didn't really know what my health was, or what difference collecting the different-coloured drops actually made to what I was doing. The sound is very PC-speaker squeaky; lots of seemingly unconnected beeps, so I didn't really gather what they all meant. Fun little game, nonetheless!