Dear Portrait Prophecies,
This font is almost impossible to read with visual impairments :( I apologize for any typos
This game is confusing, any tips?
We have temporarily changed the game page font in response. However the ingame font is an identical pixel style. The tutorial note reads,
Stay away from Him
- Hear knocking : Turn off Lights
- Door Opens : Close it or run
- Lights turn off : Turn back on or run
- Hear Footsteps : Hide in closet, table or shelves
Find Her Six Times
- She cannot be seen
- She is heard when your cursor is close to her
- Touch her until she hides again
Most of our older games use a pixelated font. Our primary games that do not are: rain reader, A Hemorrhage of Time, Which Breaks the Silence, Weirdfyre's Legacy, cybersus, The Swell of Emptiness and Death of the Party.