Aww that's really a sweet idea. I do like the thought of leaving the end of the novel 'open' where all of the plot threads have mostly been wrapped up, but where we see Asterion and MC planning for the next days. I don't want it to feel like it just stops, and is like:
"Okay we've reached the end that's it goodbye..."
I want to feel like there's more to their story that we don't necessarily see, where it feels like the characters will continue forward even after we are done with the virtual novel. I hope that makes sense lol.
I also love love love the idea of the two of them sharing Asterion's wine together as they look forward into their own futures together and at the future of the hotel! (I'm sure the Devs can figure out a way for MC to be able to drink it, they're plenty creative!)
I definitely think that if Asterion escapes the labyrinth or finds a way to break free if it but still use it's power, he will still find a way to keep the hotel running. I can't imagine he would just walk away from it. His character cares too much about others to just abandon them like he was abandoned in the original labyrinth in Crete.