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This was so bad my mlm friend forced us to play this and we both thought this cringe mess of game was not a love story. Periwinkle is very annoying and highkey a sexual harasser. 

Deleted 272 days ago
Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)(-10)

my point is not the game is bad cause I like the art and stuff but I'm assuming the creator was women and its fetishy and it made me and my male gay friend uncomfortable


nomnomnami makes mostly wlw games. I really doubt she's a fetishizer. I'm pretty sure she just wanted to make a cute game and something that branched outside of her exclusively gl content. It's not that deep.

Deleted 272 days ago
Deleted 258 days ago
Deleted 272 days ago
Deleted 258 days ago
Deleted 272 days ago
Deleted 258 days ago
Deleted 272 days ago

nobody cares they just wanna enjoy the game

(2 edits)

"calls creator fetishier woman"
"knows nothing what fetishism is"
"knows nothing on how flirting works"
"brings up fusjoshis as if they are satan and knows nothing on that history"

Seems logical to me.

Just admit you you're friend drank the misogynist terfy koolaid and want to seem smart. Its flirting its not that deep. Grow up and get a real relationship.

"I like being overwhelmed to an extent" This is literally the line that pastille himself said. It's not objectifying, it's consensual.

By the end of the game when their love is realized, periwinkle comments that "This was all supposed to be foreplay" and that "This should've been casual, not romantic." Because at the point, they realize they rather have that romantic interest over the casual hookup thing.

It's very clear that Pastille and Periwinkle both were consensual, and they both agreed. There was no objectifying involved. I just wish the people who are about to comment something on a visual novel, actually read it before making any statements.

Deleted post

No worries we're all annoying sometimes


I'd love to hear specifics on why you thought that. I got nothing but good vibes from the game and thought it was a really cool portrayal of a relationship stemming from a lifestyle that's about the exact opposite of my own.