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nice work, it looks like a procedural dungeon, art is wow.  the character controller  is too slow at the beginning for me . i really like the dungeon changing , very nice work for this. 


Thank you for the feedback! The procedural dungeon was implemented at the last couple of hours by our talented prog. He did a great job with the time he had! (and it would have been 100% better if I didn’t have him change it from the random tile generated level ^^”)


it greats experience for the programmer, i working on room generation for my next jam.

(1 edit) (+1)

Great idea! I wish you luck I suggest the work of Ondrej Nepozitek or check unity’s dedicated post about that. I’ll be glad to test it so feel free to send me a link to your game once you made it! (mp on insta )


thanks for the share. i am working on  simple dungeon  spawn rooms in 3d and put some ml agents inside... might take a while lol