I appreciate and respect your amazing fantastic work with a variety of Freelancer mods, Why485.
That said, they should still follow the licenses of the code they use. I titled this thread 'PLEASE' attribute because I am not sure if the code they are using REQUIRES attribution or not. It is just a nice gesture.
It becomes plagiarism when people claim the work of others as their own. A simple attribution in the docs/credits is all that would be needed. Code that is open-sourced can still be plagiarized if the license is not followed.
They are using open-sourced code yet said code doesn't require them to release changes to the code or open-source any parts of it themselves. Their project here is completely closed-source despite benefiting from the open-source community so the LEAST they could do is attribute the work of others whose code they used. That's all I ask.
I'm sorry, but you're making a big deal out of nothing. Nobody is claiming they made anything they didn't. I've seen the dev post numerous times that some of the code in the game is stuff I've written (or specifically contributed, such as some AI code), or where X or Y asset came from.
Daedalus Machina, there isn't a scandal here. My guess is this is my fault. Whatever conception you got because of the Space Game Junkie interview, that was a drama I conjured up because I was planning on launching a kickstarter at the same time as Trainwiz. Sorry for this Trainwiz, and you too Why485 and also you DaedalusMachina. What I learned from this is be yourself. The only one you'll ever need to impress is yourself. I forgot that, and it seems to have left a legacy.