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(4 edits) (+17)

I know what to do. Come here my friend~
1. You must be at the main menu.
2. Select the New Game option, [ BUT DO NOT START THE GAME YET ]
3. Press F10 located on your keyboard.
4. You will see CMD below write the command [ $TEST=true ]
5. And finally, have fun with the game. If there is any problem you can ask me.

Credit ; 


you're a godsend

it crashes my game

(2 edits)

This might be a specific version or PC issue, try a newer or older version.
*If your game crashes and doesn't fix the problem, you may want to report it to the developer.*
  [ cmd is intended for developers to test systems and bugs. which is outside the boundaries of the game ]

Почему после обучения сбрасывается чит код и стамина падает.

dosent seem to work anymore

spawned me in a dungon maybe...... got insta gatted...


what does this exactly do? don't seem to see any noticeable difference.

If you use the command And you find yourself lost in a strange place or part of the map.

[ Use skill R ] or [ Debug Tool ]

Use the ToOverMap command, it will take you to the Chickpoint.

If these skills do not work, select Newgame and use the Test command again.

if i confuse you I'm sorry

I understand what you want and i will try my best So that what you've been looking

How do I do [$TEST=true] on a rebirth save??

Use the command and enter the save game you want to use.
But if you don't use [$TEST=true] from the beginning, you won't get a Tool.  

Can you be more specific? How exactly do I enter the save game I want to use in the command? Just got my rebirth save now. Used the command to grind it out though and of course I lost it when I rebirthed.

Can you record a video or a picture for me, I would like to see the details of this problem.

hi bro do u have discord i thought about cheat codes but i saw mods and thought how i could add mods or setup mods and there is no guide on how to setup mods, could u help me or guide me on how to setup mods if u have discord u could help me out through there???

I use joiplay and whenever I try to enter (whether I press "enter" or the enter it types "," simultaneously which causes it to not work, any advice?

i use joi play but after few minutes of playing it always crash.need some advise!