People tell me a lot of things that I am not everyday. I live with them. You didn't have to tell me that for me to get the feeling of relating to someone. It is cosplaying if you look at it from my POV. From your POV, it seems that you believe everyone can be anything they want to be and that's none of my business. I never said it was my business, what I'm saying is, a lot of y'all are hypocrites to your own word. If you are born, biologically a man, you are a man. And if you want to say you are really a woman, you are a woman mentally. And it's really sad because some of y'all put women to shame with the way y'all dress and act. So busy to act like what you are not, you forgot that in reality, you are born as what you are born and that costume is just what it is. You can put on your make up and do your hair, but you're still going to wake up as what you really are. Most of y'all trick other people. It's like you played in makeup so long that you had fun and fooled yourself. And some people just use this opportunity to make a trend out of it and that's what I really don't like. I can argue with you all day but I still won't be the reason why you're so mad and confused. You can't make the whole world accept you if you are not okay with just having yourself accept you. People can be gay, lesbian, trans, etc but not super straight. Sexuality is a choice and that is true because love is the attraction to what is pleasurable and satisfactory. But trans... people will use this as an opportunity. If everybody really wanted to switch roles so badly, why don't they just take on all the pains with nature and society. But this time, try it without stealing the gentiles from people. Because, yeah, they do it. How would you feel to wake up and see your daughter's body on the news. They body is all torn up to pieces and you can't even recognize her. You wanna talk about what's fair, let's talk about how LGBT gets upset at other people doing the same thing that they are doing.