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I saw you didn't have any other comments here and that didn't seem right at all, so, commenting just as a player: I thought this was a really cool idea! I love a good Predestination Paradox, and the idea of the two disjointed game modes stacked on top of one is super pleasing to me. I played the updated build, where everything runs a little slower, and I was having a decent time with it, seeing the little guy do the things I did - I'm pretty sure he takes the same actions that you did when you did have a choice? Sadly, I failed to dump the car near the clearing, even though I felt it was there, and as much as I want to get through it to see the end, I think I was looking at like a 5 minute rerun to get back to the same point and I couldn't stomach it right after. But, this is a cool thing, and I'll probably have another go later - a little bit more feedback on what the 'right' thing would look like might help. Anyway, cool idea and I think it gets close to capturing it! Thanks for taking part!

Thanks for the comment! I'm glad I was able to get the idea across, even if it didn't all work.  Yes, the script does follow your choices in the woods now, which didn't happen in the judge build. I do think checkpoints or some way to go back in time seem to be the biggest missing feature. As for completing a task, when it starts solid red you can't do it early.  For the car, if you stop near the right area when the task is green, it should turn white.