To any person that hasn’t read this visual novel yet, I recommend that you stop scrolling through the comments and play through; the less knowledge you have about anything in the game, the better it will be.
Minor spoilers ahead:
Anyways, I have to say this is one of the best stories I have ever read. I am not a really big cryer when it comes to stuff like this, and I can count the amount of times that I’ve cried at a story on my fingers. But this game made me sob, and no other story has done that to me. The plot is thought out so well and the romance falls into place so naturally. It is so refreshing from a lot of other romances where everything seems to go their way just because the story was written that way. What makes Adastra stand out from other romances is that there is not only good plot outside of the romance itself, it’s also that it’s not a “me chasing my secret lover” type deal. It details a pretty standard relationship, like how one in the real world would develop; not a guy chasing after someone out of his league and would pay no mind to him previously, but friends with mutual respect that just decide to take their friendship up to another level. There really isn’t enough written romance like this, and Adastra has left me feeling very satisfied. Thank you for writing such an incredible story.