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(2 edits)

Since I can't seem to find where I vote I'll just post your score in here.  game mechanics: I think it has potential but the speed needs to be adjusted. I know its not realistic but u could also add air friction so the asteroids don't fly away so fast. 6/10.  Art: the game looks great. 9/10.  sound: The sounds didn't feel as responsive as they could have. 7/10. Polish: for a game jam game i thought it was pretty good. It needed some collisions with the other planets and stars. 7/10.  Story: didn't get much in the way of story but I assume your saving the world from asteroids. 6/10. overall 35/50 game has potential but i would like to see a little more polish. still for a 3 hour game I'm pretty impressed. 1st place is yours by one point. You win bragging rights for winning a game jam. 

Thanks so much! I haven't gotten the chance to play the other games yet but I'll be on it asap!