*A-7 Spoilers*
Edit: This is a puzzle that the creator removed unintended solutions in their recent update. I'm not sure if the solution I'm giving is intended or not.
Hint 1: This puzzle requires you to circle back around the map to solve.
Hint 2: You want to build a bridge from the top-left ladder to the middle island. Once you do that, position the "<" block into the top-left corner of the middle island, leave the level via the ladder on the right side, loop around the map, then travel along the bridge you built to push the "<" block.
Hint 3: A tip while building the bridge, keep the "<" block alone in the top row when rearranging the other blocks. You'll be pushing the other blocks north from the top-left corner of the island while the "<" block is separated on the top-right corner of the island.
Hint 4: I believe the order of blocks that you push off the island to make the bridge is > > ^ <.
Hint 5:
Your bridge will look like
top-left ladder > > V > connecting top top-left of island. Loop around map, follow bridge pushing "<" down one, and move it to the final spot.