Just a heads up. The browse feature is not working for me. When I select another directory with images, the editor no longer loads the images on Roaming\Strive but it doesnt load the images on the selected directory either. It also doesnt display the new directory next to the browse button as well, but instead keeps displaying Roaming\Strive. Ive tried multiple things such as another hard drive, moving the editor to the same directory, renaming the images and putting them inside the games folder structure(Strive\bodies or portraits\) within the selected directory (which shouldnt be necessary anyway). Yet nothing worked.
Here is my wish list aside from some things you already mentioned:
Eye color tab next to hair color
A small rectangle/circle next to the eye/hair colors tags displaying its respective color. Alternatively you could add the colors as background to the tags 'box'(the area highlighted by the mouse).A small "special attributes" tab to add simplified tags such as Horns, Wings, Tail, NonHumanEars, and any others that I may be missing.
Turn gray all tags added by folder names and make them uncheckable. Alternatively you could make it so that checking sex, race and age tags would move the image to a different proper directory, but this probably wouldnt work well with everyone using their own folder structure.
Instead of a red font for non-standard race colors how about darkish yellow or orange? This is because the red font color often signifies something that must not be used/done to the point that doing so can potentially cause conflicts or crashes. Its not that heavy of an issue here.
Image selection(should work like windows does it for files/folders):
Left mouse click to select 1 image
Shift+Left mouse click to select all images starting from the previously selected one to the last selected one
Ctrl+Left mouse click to add 1 image to current selection
Add a '# images selected' text
Keyboard Shortcuts (based on the current editor layout):
Enter to apply, pagedown/DOWN for next image, pageup/UP for previous image, RIGHT for fist image from the next race, LEFT for first image from the previous race, Backspace to restore last saved tags, Delete to remove all tags(excluding the ones set by folder names)