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also need infinity storage because I keep running out of space for my items

I'm sure that you need "infinity storage" because you have your bots "Repeat Forever" their tasks such as cutting down trees and fishing for salmon.  I suggest that instead you add some bots that use the "Shout" command and other bots  that use the "Repeat until hear..." command, such as I have described in the past and is shown below.  By doing this, you will collect all of the items that you need and will not create "infinite" amounts.  Having too many items will eventually make your game take over half an hour to load, which is not fun to wait before you can play.  (I have also described this problem in another post:


I have several Bots set up such as those shown below for my "Fishing" group.  I have one Bot named "GoFish" (wearing a Party Hat) that waits "until Salmon Storage not full" and then will "Shout GoFish".
I have one Bot named "StopFish" (wearing a Guy Fawkes Hat) that waits "until Salmon Storage full" and then will "Shout StopFish".
I have seven Bots named such as "Fish1" that wait "until hear GoFish" and then will "Repeat until hear StopFish" the two steps "Find nearest Deep Sea Water" and "Use held item" (which is the fishing rod).
I have three Bots named such as "Fish>Stor1" that move the Salmon to the Salmon Storage.
I have two Bots (wearing Traffic Cone Hats) that rewind the other Bots.