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This is some good shit! It feels like a melee-oriented, roguelite Gun Godz, which is something I didn't know I wanted to play until now. It's definitely a game I will consider buying when its full release arrives.

I was near-instantly hooked with the combat, items and upgrade system. It was simple enough for me to understand, but seemed to have greater depth which I haven't fully tapped into yet.

I've only played one run for about 20 minutes, dying somewhere at floor 2, so I don't have much in-depth feedback to give at the moment. If there's anything I did notice, it was that the enemy variety felt shallow for the first two floors, but since this just is a demo submission, I'm not going to hold that against you.

Thank you for playing!
>enemy variety felt shallow for the first two floors
Yeah, that bothers me a bit, I added rats, but it seems not really enough.