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Oh, but did he listen? Nnnnope, he just smiled up at her, gave her a small wink, and laid his head back, shutting his eyes as he enjoyed the moment-

after a little while, minoru decides that shes um- bored, with the pace she's going at, and starts to speed up... just a bit though

.. Hey, quick question-, if you wanna switch to a different type of rp, say fantasy for example-, we can-, we don’t need to keep doing Le nsfw if your not comfortable with it- ;v;

eh? im fine with it, i swear ..... im just awkward

unless *narrows eyes suspiciously* are you uncomfy with it  

(1 edit)

Pfft-, oh. No no-, I’m fine with it-.. it’s just-

You see, I’m actually thinking that, one, having a rp built around nsfw, without much of story.. isn’t much of an rp, and well/, I feel like this’ll become dry very soon, so I just thought, “hey, why not start of new, and do a rp that they might be interested in doing!”, you know?


yeah no that sounds reasonable

we can start a new one if you want

Alrighty then!

Do you wanna do that fantasy rp I talked about, (not exactly much lol), about before we went ahead and did this one?


Alrightyyyy, now, do you want me to go into a bit of story mode, or just give a brief explanation? |3


either works for me