Thanks so much! I really enjoyed watching your play through of it and seeing your reactions to everything. There were definitely some subtle things I wished you caught, but it was still very fun to watch! Though a full video would be nice. I appreciate the video and critique, as it is quite dark. If I have some spare time, I may go back and fix it, but currently I’m rather busy. And the elevator.. does nothing. It changes slightly in the later game (as with many things), but it’s more just cosmetic and not functional aside from entering one.
Oh thank you so much! That truly means a lot. Oh I'm now more than ever curious about the subtle things I missed. I do plan on doing a full video, as I know there is so much more, and I feel like I haven't scratched the surface. I will follow up here once I do.
So Glad to know about the elevator. Still really cool that you can enter it. I really appreciated the details done, and it's a gorgeous game. I understand you're busy, but if you put anything out, I would love to try it!
You're welcome! Without giving too much, the subtle things were like occasional visual ques that are hard to catch (bathroom mirror for one), certain sounds you thought were for one thing weren't actually from that (like when you picked up the key, there are two separate sounds, one of which is not for the key), or other small sounds (apart from the ambience) that you didn't seem to notice, but had an affect on the world. Since it's very dark, sound is very useful in the game, so pay attention to some of those. You were a bit over halfway done though.
Thanks for the compliments too! I'm working on two projects right now, though one is on hold so I guess I'm currently working on just one, but I do plan to release both. And yea, I am very busy so it will take awhile until something new is put out by me.