“.. I’m not going to forgot about you, you know this forest like the back of your hand, and you know not to waltz into a crumbling cave. I think you’ll be fine- -v-“
"fiiiiiiiiiiiiine.... but when i go missing I'm blaming you"
She groans, mumbling something under her breath as she walks away
“… Oh I’m sorry, what did you say deary? I don’t think I heard you.”
"its nothingg"
An then... she dissapears into the forest for a while
.. Yeah, it’s basically just, “ooooo, magic amulet making from his ‘fooooorge’, oOoOoOooO-“, after that TvT
i seee... well- then after like... 15 minutes? Ish, of wandering the forest, dahlia returns.. huzzah!
“.. Ah, your back. Good, I finished that amulet for you, you shou-“
"Eh- ?"
She turns around, kinda confused