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this is an intriguing game and seems very accomplished in what it's trying to do. it's not pretty, but extremely consistent in its usage of textures plastered all over the place, mixed with eclectic music (that sometimes fails to loop for what feels like a whole minute, adding some flavor) and occasional fancy creature made of multiple parts. mechanics feel janky, but at the same time finetuned for what they are trying to do. there's clever gameplay hidden behind the chaos of jittery movement. i wish there was some more consistency and natural flow to potato's actions, though. a lot of them seem to rely on naturally occurring overlaps between the terrain and the tongue, often resulting in timing windows too tight to keep the actions consistent, as walls like to kill all of your momentum in a blink. i think even something as basic as speeding up the tongue animation would be a good start.

what is really dragging the experience down, in my opinion, is the level design. it's all over the place and generally directionless. perhaps it feels right at home when you've seen the stage layouts in their entirety, but in the field of view the player is given it takes some trial and error to get around and with how visually monotonous some levels are, it's hard to keep playing. i think putting some dumb clue arrows around and cutting back on the parts where a fall sends you back several screens would help the game as a game and not an experimental piece of art by a lot.

another thing that irked me was the dialog system. too many times did i walk away from the transmission of pomao's brother in the tutorial level because i tried to find the button to speed up the text and ended up resetting it all over. a skip button would go a long way.