"i mean you Could But wouldn't that cause a bigger scene? Like... what if we get in trouble? Or what if they break free- and attack you and, as we have established you can't cover your back so you aren't paying attention and they hop on you and stab you *dramatic gasping* oh jeez..."
“… -sigh-, I can cover my back, “we” haven’t established anything.. Plus, why with the gasp? You kinda said the worst thing, the stab part, what? Did you think of something worse-? -. -
"you can NOT *foot stomp* cover your back- but thats not the point here! the point is you could get stabbed or poisoned with like an arrow or- or you could get kidnapped or worse!"
"i know... it's not my fault if you keep going off and doing dangerous stuff... anyone would worry... but, if it bugs you that much.. i'll try to worry less.."