“Heh, good! Because your gonna try summoning a pretty basic one today!”
"i- i am!?"
“Yeeeep!! Your very first one, now if you get lucky, who knows! Maybe you’ll summon a Trinix!”
"me? summon a Trinix? on my first try? no way..."
“Hey, it’s not to bad to hope.. who knows, maybe you’ll get one stronger than my own first, hehe!”
"of course i can hope...but im tryna be realistic here... that being said.. should we start?"
“.. Mhm, now.. do you remember the steps when I first tried teaching you this summon?
"u-um..i think so.."
“.. Alright.. bring your hand out.. and well-“
He leaned in and whispered in her ear :>
“… Stay calm.. when they look.. they will.. but just know i’ll be here with you..-“
"uh- uh huh.. *nod, nod*
she sticks her hand out, waiting for further instruction